Evolutionary Astrology with Joe Molloy Shaman Astrologer
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"A child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his or her individual karma. The resulting horoscope is a challenging portrait revealing his or her unalterable past, and its probable future result. But the natal chart can be Rightly interpreted only by women and men of intuitive wisdom: these are few."

Sri Yukteswar

As a Shaman and an Astrologer and I will be delighted to speak together about how I can support you as to claim back understanding, choice and power in your life.

As an Astrologer, I offer you a unique opportunity to navigate your life, and align with the intentions of your Soul's journey. Helping you to create a greater map of understanding in relation to your Soul's intentions and the events, experiences and directions of your life. And as a Shaman helping to clear obstacles to living your fullest life, the destiny your souls seeks as your fully healed state.

I have been working for almost 40 years supporting people on their healing and life journeys.

Please use one of the contact forms or simply email me to get in touch.

As a Shaman much of my work is rooted in supporting people to see crisis as opportunities, creating a new context within which to understand their lives and the events within them as part of the evolutionary journey of their soul. Astrology offers me an additional way to complement this. And to both understand and realise the opportunities open to us in our possible futures. Destinies change at each point that we make or decline to make choices. Every event happens in relation to time and to space/place. We are always somewhere, somewhen. Both birth and death included, can only occur in relation to time and place.

If you would like to know more about the Astrological services that I offer please message me (below), or visit me on my Astrology Website:


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I look forward to hearing from you

Thank you

Blessings and much love ~


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