Despacho Workshops

Learning how to create traditional Inca Despachos for Celebration and Gratitude, to mark Rites of Passage or to bring Harmony and Balance to any form of relationship in your own life or between other people.

Creating despacho ceremonies for ourselves is simple and rewarding to do. I hope this short video gives you a feel or a taste for creating them and inspires you to join one of my workshops, or to begin by creating them your self at home.

Please feel welcome to contact me if you would like to know more, or to book a ceremony for yourself where I will be delighted to hold a despacho ceremony for you, your family or any group of people.

Join me for a one day workshop and learn how to create these beautiful, ceremonial, despachos.

Despachos are used by the Qero, the descendants of the Incas for many purposes. They can have many intentions and no two despachos are ever the same. The process of creating the despacho helps to make the parts of our lives that are impacted upon by the issue we bring to the despacho visible. They also show us where we might be contributing, even unconsciously to the situations we are seeking to change.

Often despachos are created for 'Ayni,' for balance and harmony. You can create despachos for yourself or with other people or groups of people to help them find balance in their relationships whether personal or business based. Despachos are also often used to say thank you, to express our gratitude to the mother earth, the Pachamama or for any particular benefits we have been receiving. They also help us to mark the transitions and rites of passage in our lives from births, marriages and endings in relationships through to deaths. They are a powerful and also gentle way to bring people together to create harmony.

After being created each person who has contributed will often be give the opportunity to have their energetic field cleansed with the despacho before it is released, usually in ceremony with fire. Even our highest aspirations, our greatest and most creative dreams can be more than we imagine. So we let these go symbolically in ceremony, placing the completed despacho in fire. So that what we dream can grow bigger and more fruitful than only what we can imagine.

During our workshop together we will create a group despacho with everyone contributing so that you learn by direct experience how it feels and how you follow the creative process of the despacho, learning to listen to how it will speak to you, telling you where to look and what he despacho needs or is missing. And then we will all make our own despachos, putting our experience from the beginning of the day into practice.

Despachos are powerful healing tools in themselves and many Andean Shaman, many Inca Shaman will use them as one of their primary 'healing tools' with clients.

I created a despacho at REST festival once with a large group of children, and a few adults who just could not stay away, and why should they! Suddenly the despacho became completely covered in sparkling foil glitter and nothing else could be seen. Despachos give immediate feedback and I had to ask myself what this was saying. Actually the answer came when I asked the children, all of whom were very strong in their opinions about how people young and old should be living and how we should be treating the world around us. What came was how difficult it was for them to sparkle like the glitter when so many people told them to be quiet because they were only children, but they brought a colourful and informative 'light' to everything they did, just like the glitter. Together they found a way to symbolically balance the despacho so that they could have their light in the world but also so that there was structure and form to help them get their message across to other people too.

Join us for one of our despacho workshop days, or book to have a 1:1 shamanic healing session with me using a despacho to help bring balance into your life, or to make the unseen answers to your situation and questions visible, or to mark the rites of passage and transitions that you are feeling at present.

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