Distance Shamanic Healing with Joe Molloy Shaman

Distance Shamanic Healing Ceremonies

From the start of my practice as Shaman and for many years before, when I worked and taught as a Reiki master, a large percentage of my clients have always opted to have "distance sessions."

Where for any reason it is difficult or impractical to travel to visit me for a session. Distance Shamanic Healing is an ideal option to allow you to access all of the Shamanic Healing Skills that I can offer to you.

I have worked, and continue to work, with clients who live all over the world, including Africa, India, Pakistan, the USA, Canada, Australia, Ireland, all across Europe, and of course the UK too. Which is where I am currently based. And all without leaving my home.

Sometimes it is hard to fit the travel required to come for a session with me, in person, into a busy schedule and lifestyle. Sometimes it is not practical where we live in different countries. Although, I have also had clients "fly in" for sessions from other countries and then fly home the same or next day too. There are many reasons why people choose to take advantage of Distance Shamanic Healing sessions with me.

Of course, it is nice to have the 'extra' connection of working together in my treatment room, which is set up specifically for your comfort. However, as Shamanic Healing works to effect change in our lives and bodies by working primarily not at the physical level, where we see issues manifest, but at the energetic level where these issues are "held."

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How does it work?

Shamanic healing works at the "energetic level" to "shift" the imprints and affinities that are held in our luminous energy field. Creating a cascade of change that works to create a new harmony at the physical level, in our bodies and in our lives. This means changing the balance of health in our body. Changing the situations that we attract. Changing our relationships with abundance, happiness, confidence, creativity and self esteem, self love and love between ourselves and others. There is a Scientific basis that supports our understanding of how Shamanic Healing works. Shamanic Healing happens within the context of Ceremony. In healing ceremony we call upon the support and assistance of the organising principles of the universe, the archetypical energies that the ancient Inca peoples knew as Serpent, Jaguar, Hummingbird and Condor/Eagle. We call in the support and guidance of the spirits of our ancestors to help.

Once we establish to work within the same resonant energetic field the healing practice works just as if we were in the same room. Often I will switch off or cover my screen if we start with a video call so that I don't get distracted by looking at the screen. For me, this is not where you are when we are working. For me you are either sitting right beside me, or lying in front of me while I work.

With only a few exceptions all the Healing practices that I offer work exactly as if you are with me in the same room. Fire ceremony is one example. It is not so easy to share a fire ceremony or Cacao ceremony by phone. But it is possible. (I can always post the Cacao to you with recipe instructions so that we can join together and enjoy the spirit of Cacao and her healing benefits).

As we work together I begin by "opening Sacred Space." You listen as you hear my words. Then we both sit comfortably and as we work you use the stone you have chosen, blowing your essence, your breath "holds" how you feel, into the stone as you describe what is not flowing or where your life feels stuck. I do the same with my medicine stones and when we have "captured" the essence, the profile of what is happening in your life or your health that you wish to change I invite you to lie down and make yourself comfortable.

Synchronising our breath together, with me following you, I work around your body. I may encourage you to breathe in a focused way as I "track" heavy and intrusive energies around your body, extracting and dissolving them. You will hear the sound of my rattle or drum as I journey for you, retrieving "Soul Parts." Journeying to the Lower world, the "Domain of Souls" to clear unhelpful energies and to bring back your essence, soul parts, new resources at the energetic level to help align you with a new, higher, happier destiny.

At the end of the session we go through a short "re mapping" technique to create a short practice for you to work with each day to help to anchor the changes and new direction in your life at the physical, actual day to day level.

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What do I need to do to arrange a "distance" Shamanic Healing Session?

Initially we usually begin with a chat by phone or WhatsApp call, messenger call or Skype. This is the same whether we go on to arrange to work by distance or in the same room.

During our consultation you have the opportunity to share with me something of the reason why you want a Shamanic Healing Session so that I can begin to understand how issues in your life impact on you and how long they have been an issue for you. Also it gives you an opportunity to ask me any questions that you have about me and how I work. And for me to describe what we need to do to set up your session.

If you are ready to book and arrange your session at that time we can do so. Or you can contact me when you have had any additional time that you need to consider what you wish to do. There is no obligation to book a session with me just because we have had an initial conversation and I make no charge for these consultations.

Once you are ready, we agree a date and time and how we will connect, whether that is by phone, Skype, messenger etc.

You will need to arrange to have enough time and space not to be interrupted while we are working. And to have a headphone/microphone set to use during our call. It is important that we are able to hear each other clearly and a headphone set, like the simple ones that you usually get free with your mobile/cell phone works very well for our purposes.

You will need a stone. A simple pebble or rock from the beach, a river or from your garden is fine. It can be any size as long as you can hold it easily in one hand. It acts as a 'proxy' for the medicine stones in my Mesa, my medicine bundle. If we were working together in the same room, I would open my medicine bundle for you to choose the one you want to work with.

You may also like to create an environment to support your experience by lighting some candles and incense, and perhaps some soft ambient music in the background. A blanket that you can pull over yourself should you wish can also be helpful.

You will need to be able to sit as we start and then to lie down comfortably while I work.

If you would like to know more, or to arrange a session for yourself, please get in touch for a chat or to book.

Currently a Shamanic Healing session with me costs £135. Payment for distance sessions can be made by bank transfer or by PayPal. Please allow between one and two hours for your session.

or phone: +44 (0) 7986887224 Click here to call or save the number for later.

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